The Tactical Professor’s SHOT Show Odyssey (Part III) – Site visit to the Duel at the Dumbster (continued)

More thoughts about the Duel at the Dumbster

Legal issues aside, the Duel also demonstrated how proxemics come into play during Defensive Gun Uses. Shootings and gunfights involving Private Citizens almost universally occur in Social Space (4-12 feet) as defined in the science of Proxemics. That’s my conclusion after studying the over 5,000 DGUs in my database. When they start out with ‘Monkey Dancing,’ as this one did, it’s unavoidable that the shooting will be close. Monkey Dancing can’t be done at much of a distance. While Law Enforcement Officers need to be concerned about the Tueller Principle, the dynamics of Private Citizen encounters are far different.


Diagram by WebHamster

That’s why for the new gun owner, the most important practice drill is learning to hit, with one shot, from Low Ready, a piece of paper in landscape mode at 4 yards. Once that drill can be accomplished with utter reliability, then practice being able to hit it with two shots at a cadence of one second per shot or less.

Here’s a printable target, derived my ebook, Concealed Carry Skills and Drills.

printable silhouette center with links

Being able to accomplish those two tasks will cover at least three Pareto Orders (99.66%) of the Personal Protection marksmanship needs of a Private Citizen. The son had clearly practiced with his Shockwave and scored a devastating hit with his first shot. Whoever scores the first shot, that hits, immediately seizes the initiative in any shooting or gunfight.

The Negative Outcome for the shooters in this incident reinforces my philosophy about using firearms for Personal Protection.

Guns are special purpose defensive tools that are useful only in a minuscule (very small) spectrum of our lives. Thinking of them as general purpose defensive tools is a Serious Mistake and sets oneself up for a Negative Outcome.

spock suit

The Negative Outcomes for the shooters in this incident are: spending months, perhaps years, in jail waiting for trial, loss of everything they own to pay lawyers, and the real possibility of spending most, if not all, the rest of their lives in prison.

Some kind of legal education about the limits of using deadly force is mandatory for those who own firearms, whether the firearm is intended for Personal Protection or not. Bear in mind the falsity of ‘Idiot Joe’ Biden’s comment about using a double barrel clay bird shotgun for Personal Protection. There are many legal education resources (Law Of Self Defense, Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, et al) available today for the gun owner. Pick one and become familiar with the limits of the MAY part of the CAN/MAY/SHOULD/MUST paradigm.

Know the rules Input

The previous posts about the Duel are here:

Unjustified Killings

Duel at the Dumbster Part I

Duel at the Dumbster Part II

Duel at the Dumbster Part III

Site visit to the Duel at the Dumbster –

Tomorrow, the Tactical Professor’s visit to Dealey Plaza, the site of JFK’s assassination.

For those interested in improving your skills with a handgun, I have written two books.

Concealed Carry Skills and Drills downloadable eBook.

Indoor Range Practice Sessions downloadable eBook.

For those who wish to avoid Serious Mistakes and subsequent Negative Outcomes, I have made a downloadable recording.

Serious Mistakes Gunowners Make, downloadable audio recording.

3 responses

  1. Here are links to my separate, more detailed MSW posts on the paradigm

    Go here for a discussion of the intersection of the MAY/MUST:

    As for defending the Castle, applying the paradigm, go here:

    Submitted for the reader’s consideration. The decision is the reader’s, not mine. For your MAY, see a lawyer knowledgeable in the laws of your state.

  2. Shooting is the fun part . Learning and understanding the laws of the land . Learning avoidance and not letting ego get the best of us is the hard part. When I watch that video I’m sicken that happened … totally avoidable.

  3. Excellent series Claude. Well done.
    Steve, thanks for commenting, also an excellent series of articles.

    Important work by both of you.