The New Reality


My friend and colleague, Ken Hackathorn, has some pertinent thoughts about what he calls “The New Reality” in America. His presentation is well worth watching.

He addresses two separate topics in the video. The first is the rapid changes that are occurring in our legal environment. Things have a way of coming full circle. A couple of decades ago, the NRA made a DVD based on the Personal Protection In The Home course.

It reflected the predominant thinking at the time in the firearms community about the consequences of a self-defense shooting. The train of thought then was that any shooting, regardless of justification or location, was going to result in long term interaction with the legal system. Being arrested, handcuffed, doing the perp walk, and, at the least, arraigned were our expectations.

Over a period of 20 years or so, that perception changed due to “Make My Day,” “Castle Doctrine,” and “Stand Your Ground” laws. However, the public perception of the justification of a shooting can clearly change the legal situation, regardless of the law. Several nightmarish legal cases in recent memory that were ultimately found Not Guilty are clear examples. Attorney Steven Harris has commented:

Never forget, it’s not a level legal playing field despite Constitutional protections and even the best defense counsel lawyering; it’s an uphill battle, often nothing but a crap-shoot.

Attorney Steven Harris

The full NRA video is available here.

Note: I claim no rights to the NRA PPITH video and post the link for authentication purposes only.

My previous posts about breaking contact are here:

The second thing Ken addresses is ammunition availability, usage, and stockpiling. Since very few of my readers shoot 100 rounds a month in practice and shoot a monthly IDPA match, a broader context of looking at the issue bears discussion. That topic will be covered in a future post. The short version, to paraphrase my late colleague Paul Gomez, is:

Get familiar with yor guns!

Tactical Professor books (all PDF)

Purchase of any book includes Serious Mistakes Gunowners Make.

STOPP Presentation at Rangemaster Tactical Conference

3 responses

  1. Reposted this elsewhere after I saw it on Utube. Very good advice, I agree.

  2. I had at one time a video of the first IDPA match ever held. He showed one bay where he tossed his wallet to the BG and at the same time pull in 45. Stuck with me. Great professional…Be safe and stay well… Rebel Rifleman

    On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 1:43 PM tacticalprofessor wrote:

    > tacticalprofessor posted: ” #mindsetmonday My friend and colleague, Ken > Hackathorn, has some pertinent thoughts about what he calls “The New > Reality” in America. His presentation is well worth watching. > He addresses two separate topics in the” >

  3. It never changed except in the minds of internet common taters. There’s no “new” reality here.