Priorities of Work

Someone on Instagram asked me about doing 65 yard headshots with a pistol. My response was that it doesn’t really concern me. I’m much more interested in teaching as many gunowners fundamental skills as I can and then integrating decisional training along with those skills. As long as a person can pass an entry level CCW Qual Course, they’re probably ready to start working on the decisional aspects of Personal Protection.

Skip Gochenour, who ran the National Tactical Invitational for many years, and I had a conversation about this years ago. Skip’s opinion was that we need to get training about human dynamics and decision-making into the training sequence much earlier. I agree with him 100 percent. Decision-making is what makes us or breaks us when the situation starts getting dicey.

I’ll be testing my theory at The Mingle 2020 in a couple of months. In the meantime, I’ll be starting a new 3 dollar Patreon tier for teaching marksmanship and manipulation skills early next month (September).

The way it’s going to be structured is by using CCW Qual courses as a baseline and a learning vehicle. The head of the US Army Ranger School once commented that the purpose of Ranger training is to teach leadership under conditions of stress. Patrolling is just the vehicle or method used to teach leadership to Ranger Students. I think we can use qualification courses in the same way. Given the ammo shortage, it will be largely dry practice with an occasional live fire session.

Here’s the first set of videos that show the first Course of the series. There will be demos for both autoloaders and revolvers.

One using the SCCY pistol:

One with a 317 revolver:

As always, Tactical Professor books can be purchased from the menu at the top of the page. They are NOT FREE but if you would be interested in knowing how to better operate the firearms you own during the American Insurgency, they will be useful.

4 responses

  1. Claude, I went to the Mingle page, it said it was in May. Has it been postponed, and if so till when? Thanks, Jack

    On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 7:16 PM tacticalprofessor wrote:

    > > > > > > > tacticalprofessor posted: “Someone on Instagram asked me about doing 65 > yard headshots with a pistol. My response was that it doesn’t really > concern me. I’m much more interested in teaching as many gunowners > fundamental skills as I can and then integrating decisional training along” > > > >

    1. The date is embedded in the url header, so it’s not editable.

      Day 1 Saturday, October 17th, 2020 9:00am-6:00pm
      Day 2 Sunday, October 18th, 2020 9:00am-6:00pm

  2. Show me the groundhogs you have piled up with a pistol at 65 yards and I will consider the concept of head shots on humans at that range. Read Jim Cirillo’s writings on head shot failures.

  3. Also a 20 minute podcast every two weeks would be great. 

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