Why we test our equipment

As part of my Purse Carry Project (PCP), I picked up a small purse a neighbor was giving away.

little blue purse

The purse had a canister of OC in it.

OC canister from purse

When I tried the canister at the range, this is what happened.

OC on purse sq

There are numerous other problems that were associated with the setup but being non-functional was the primary one. My colleague Brian Hill of The Complete Combatant http://www.thecompletecombatant.com/ remarked:

Think of what would have happened if that can was the only method for Personal Protection the woman had and it failed when she needed it.

That’s the same reason we test our guns. The majority of guns purchased for Personal Protection in the past few months will never be fired at all. The purchaser really has no idea what will happen. Just shooting one or two exercises from Indoor Range Practice Sessions http://indoorrangepracticesessions.com would go a long way.

3 responses

  1. We need a Fanny Pack Project. They can be awful and awesome, and finding good ones is very difficult.