Concealed Carry and Printing

Do you even follow Michael Kors and Kate Spade, bro?

Yet another uninformed and ignorant discussion about clothing, guns, and ‘dressing around the gun’ came to my attention today. Here was one of the comments.

People are so unaware of what is around them, they never notice printing. The only time I really worry about it is when I am entering a non permissive environment. I make sure to readjust and cover with my under shirt and top shirt, instead of just my top shirt.

And another.

Nobody has ever noticed when I’ve carried, as far as I know. Nobody has ever said anything, anyway.

When the story about the Arkansas Realtor® who was recently murdered  surfaced, I did some texting with a friend about Louis Vuitton handbags and knockoffs. She packs her heater in her purse every day. Although it’s long, I am going to put her commentary here in its entirety because the level of detail is important to observe and understand. My original question was “When I see women carrying Louis Vuitton handbags, are they actually paying $1-3K for them or are those knockoffs?” Here was her response:

Wow… that’s a good question. If you put a[n] authentic bag beside a replica, you can easily tell. Here are a few other ways to tell…Authentic bags follow a pattern and are continuous. There’s never a bottom seam. So, on 1 side of the bag, the LV is upside down because it is cut from a single canvas. The pattern across the bag and on the ends will touch a seam, but the pattern should mirror itself and be even across the sides or end.

The hardware on the bags are always brass. The thread used on the handle is always a mustard yellow and the top stitching shows 5 stitches across. The inside of the handle has burgundy piping, and over time the handle will turn dark brown because it is made from vachetta cowhide leather. The LV monogram will never be broken in a pattern and the V sits a little higher than the L in the monogram. The date stamp is underneath the pocket on the inside of the bag and is always evenly spaced.

The tag on the bag has the LV logo as well as Louis Vuitton Made in Paris. The mustard yellow stitching will create a V shape and almost touches the top of the LV logo. The size of the bag is also on a leather tab…25, 35, etc. That’s the width of the bottom of the bag.

Oh, and the inside of the bag is a solid chocolate leather.

Guys, if you think a woman like that, and there are many, doesn’t notice everything that is the slightest bit out of place with your clothing, you are ignorant and uninformed about how conscious most women are about clothing and style. Now, I have no doubt that People of Walmart don’t notice your T-shirt is pulled down over your full size service pistol. OTOH, the moment you walk into any White Collar business environment, you may as well assume you’re busted. That woman might not say anything to you because she MAY want your business, at least initially. However, don’t labor for one second under the illusion that she doesn’t notice something out of place, even if she’s not quite sure what it means. It’s as obvious to her as a Hi-Point at an IPSC match would be to us. It’s funny how many people who carry weapons tend to assume that the only type of “worst case scenario” is running into some meth head who is trained in mixed martial arts and is carrying a brace of Glock 22s with another brace of Glock 27s on his ankles for backup.

With the escalating number of signs prohibiting weapons, whether they have the force of law or not, and the amount of public hoopla about active shooters, getting made while carrying is going to become more of an issue in the future. Sooner, more likely than later, businesses are going to start calling the police if they suspect someone is packing a gun in violation of their company’s posted policy. Even if the sign doesn’t have force of law, having several police officers come up to you out of the Blue and escort you off the property will be unpleasant. It also has the potential for an Officer Involved Shooting with you as the shootee.

One of the major problems in the training community is that almost every trainer with a Mil or LE background has not spent one single day actually working in the White Collar or Retail Business environments. Unfortunately, what this means is that although they can teach you how to run a pistol well, they are utterly unqualified to even speak about Concealed Carry, as it pertains to most people, much less teach it. Even Jeff Cooper admitted that when he wore a suit, he carried a J frame revolver, not a 1911. Of course, Jeff actually owned suits and knew how to tie a tie.

If we really want to extend the opportunity to ‘always carry’ to an expanding percentage of the American populace, we’re going to have to come up with a better concept than ‘dress around the gun.’ Every time I hear that phrase, it makes me cringe. Whenever the vast majority of people who don’t buy their clothes at WalMart hear it, they think “that’s not me,” as my psychologist friend William Aprill  clued me in to several years ago.

44 responses

  1. Glad I have a blue-collar job and actually have the choice to wear comfortable clothes that I want and like.

    Poor drones in office environments. What a life.

  2. I’ve been teaching Texas CHL since 1996 and legally carrying in public since Day 1 of that program. Out of over 5000 students trained, the number who have been asked to leave private businesses, hassled or shot by cops, as a result of “printing”? Zero. Or if you prefer rates, that’s 0.0000%.

    Have some of them been “made” in public for carrying? Sure. It’s happened to me a few times. And I ‘make’ others for carrying, because I look for those cues. The posters are right — most people don’t notice. I was in a crowded restaurant, sitting across the aisle from a guy who had 1″ of slide and muzzle of a 5″ 1911 sticking out from under his shirt, visible to anyone who walked by — and nobody — not even the “gun guy” across the table from me — noticed until I pointed it out. I did what most people do when they “make” someone who is carrying, which is…nothing, because the totality of the body language and behavior of that person did not mark them as a potential threat. In fact, that person’s clothes indicated he was a gun guy, which meant he was statistically LESS likely to be a threat to me than the other customers.

    The best solution is to continue normalizing the idea of carry, so fewer unarmed people are emotionally traumatized by seeing a lump under a shirt or even an openly carried gun.

    The advice I give students is to have options: big and small guns, on and off body, and dress to the norm of the situation — while understanding that pocket guns and pocket carry have limitations that need to be measured on the range and factored into your actions.

    1. “In fact, that person’s clothes indicated he was a gun guy, which meant he was statistically…” you missed the point of the entire article

    2. I totally agree. I carry concealed daily, and teach classes to both men and women. My students are frequently surprised when I share that I am carrying, even though they are at a gun range, taking a gun class. My choice of clothing is casual, but professional.

      There are three key areas that are most frequently looked at when a women is being observed. None of them include locations most likely to be concealing a gun. (exception: Flashbang holster.)

      Poor situational awareness is the biggest contributor to people becoming victims. The majority of people simply do not notice what is going on around them.

      “the totality of the body language and behavior of that person did not mark them as a potential threat. In fact, that person’s clothes indicated he was a gun guy, which meant he was statistically LESS likely to be a threat to me than the other customers.” Bravo!

    3. Agree 100% with this.

  3. As a former attorney who practiced in Detroit and Flint for almost 30 years, I carried where ever I could, legally. I approached concealed carry from a tactical point of view. I didn’t want anyone to know I was carrying. If I had to use it, I wanted it to be a surprise to the person who targeted me. To do this, I took great care in making sure my pistol was not noticed while I carried it. How? Every suit I bought I had tailored while carrying the pistol. The pants were fitted at the waist to hold the IWB Milt Spark VM II carrying my 1911 compact. The trousers were cuffed so any slight difference because of the weight on the belt would not be noticed. The jacket was never a tapered jacket, and each was also tailored so any fabric that needed to be taken in was done with the pistol in place. Also, each jacket had an extra layer of fabric sewen into the lining where the gun would come into contact. This not only helped eliminate printing but also helped in keeping the lining from wearing from contact with the gun. With these small efforts, I was able to carry a 1911 with no trouble. It was comfortable, concealable and easy to retrieve quickly. And yes, there are many tailors who will do these services for you without raising an eyebrow and at very little cost.

    Now that I am retired, and living in a warmer state, the challenge of concealement is a bit greater with casual summer wear. But I still strive to find the best method of keeping the gun from being noticed by anyone. It’s not as easy as with a suit coat or sport coat, but with some serious thought on the subject, it can work out. It is not as simple as just throwning on a T shirt over your gun and then considereing yourself concealed. If that is what you want to do then consider the size and length of the T shirt, as well as the color. Light colors do not conceal shapes as well as darker colors. Thin and short T shirts are also no good. Also, wearing that neat T-shirt which says you’re a Sheep Dog or you want to die in a pile of brass sort of defeats one’s tactical advantage of surprise. Leave the ego or political statement at home. Also consider the gun and holster being used. In my experience, IWB is much more concealable than OWB. Also, while I favor 1911’s, I also like Glocks and S&W M&Ps. However, the 1911 is, in my opinion, much more concealable. Also, for one of the neatest concealement carries, check out Claude’s J frame carry using a Barami Hip Grip and the Tyler Grip adapter. That set up enables one to carry the J frame anywhere on the hip you want and is almost invisible, even with a very thin garment covering it. The entire set up would cost you less than $50.

    Surprise, deception and overwhelming force. That is what I want from carrying concealed and you loose at least 2 of those elements if the gun prints.

    1. Well said. I also live in a warmer climate and that can be a challenge to carry. I switch between a LCP and a P226, the ruger is pretty easy to conceal (Remora holster). The Sig being full size means I have more then one holster and carry when the way a dress will allow. I do not carry at work, it is a corporate setting but I do carry everywhere allow by law outside of work. This mean a lot of times I am wearing work clothes when I carry. My office is casual dress for the men and up to near high fashion for the woman, it is a fashion company after all. I keep a nice-ish button up shirt in my car and to your point light color under shirts and for unber! I check myself in the mirror for printing and in thre car windows reflection when I get out to make sure nothing was disturbed while driving, I can do this in a second or two. Printing is a very important part of concealed carry and the clothing I wear is seriously consider. I look at everyone to see if I notice printing, learning from other mistakes. I believe I do pretty well, it take only a few extra minutes a day or I bit more consideration when buying new clothes to get it right. Take the time and stay safe.


      1. “I do not carry at work.” Therein lies my biggest issue. I did for all 14 years. Not speaking of you, but no one who told me that it was easy to carry a full size pistol was willing to pony up my $123K salary if I lost my job due to their advice. The proof is in the pudding.

  4. Great article. The guys I work with make fun of me when I qualify with 6 back up/off duty guns every year. But that’s my argument every year. I like to have multiple carry options, so I can carry based on how I am dressed and where I am going.

  5. Reblogged this on Growing Up Guns and commented:
    This topic is one that I had to come to terms with several years ago. I would add to Claude’s suit and client example that you can’t crouch, balance, climb, and lay in an industrial setting with a full sized gun and not get made.

  6. I think this becoming a problem in the future will depend on how stupid some are . . . most of us won’t get made . . . of course you can’t fix stupid

  7. I refuse to repurchase an entire wardrobe just to be able to carry a gun. Instead, I consider my wardrobe and personal style of dress when I make firearm purchases and try to self firearms and holsters that give me the versatility to fit my style. I often take my blue gun and a few holsters with me as well when I have clothes made or alterations done.

    1. But then again…the women I date buy authentic LV bags as well 😉

  8. Just conducted a CCW class last sunday, all women. Khakis and a button up tucked in with a G19 in a tuckable holster. Toward the end of the class we were discussing carry methods and “dressing around the gun”. NOT A SINGLE WOMAN THERE had any idea that I was carrying a pistol. As I told them, “most people aren’t in the least bit as interested in you or me that we think they are” and that proved it…again, and again, and again. I can stand in front of a class for 2-3 hours and every time have the same result.

    The writer of this article, because he/she takes an example of someone who has a hobby about purse’s and knows details doesn’t mean squat.

    1. How many of those women were wearing khakis and a button up tucked in shirt?

      1. It makes no difference what the women were wearing…they were there for a purpose, and it did not include trying to identify armed instructors, any more than they would look for armed citizens in public. People are simply too busy or preoccupied to pay close attention to those around them. They focus on what is important to them, not what is important to you.

    2. Exactly right.

  9. A very wet & rainy day here in Florida has brought the idea of training to an end,,, so I have time to catch up on blogs, etc.

    I personally don’t have “issues” with the dress around the gun concept. I take it for what it’s worth,,,, DON’T attempt to wear tight, form fitting clothing & efficiently carry concealed. I’m not really sure how to read anything else into that statement.

    “Dress around the gun” indicates to me that I personally must assume responsibility to modify my shirt size, pants size, and garment selection to provide the best opportunity to hide the gun.

    To the best of my knowledge there have never been any cases where a person was prosecuted for accidental display/printing in my state.

    A while ago I was forced by my wife to attend a party with folks who make more in a week than I do all year. At the “food area” a guy bumped into my “strong side”. He knew there was something in there besides just me. Eye contact happened, and I calmly said “Insulin pump”. He nodded his head, apologized, and verbally indicated that the secret was safe with him.

    As for alarming the non carrying population,,, tough. Face it, people will ALWAYS have their own agendas & if they wanna get their knickers in a twist over a “suspecting bulge” under my shirt as I bend over to pick up my fork that I dropped, too bad.

    Just my $0.02,,, YMMV

    1. Note that I specifically referenced carrying in the work environment. What Joe Shit the Ragman on the street sees is not nearly as important as what the person who signs my paycheck sees.

      1. Agree 100% on this. I have never worked for a company that allows its employees to carry either in the workplace or when on business. As the the question of carrying, can you carry without anyone knowing, yes, but it is hard. Most types of on-body carry give away signs. The question is how to appropriately carry given the circumstances. At work or not, the environment and people around you etc..

  10. My take on the meaning of “dress around the gun” is that you end up wearing clothing that you might not wear if you were not carrying. I think the far better approach is (within reason) to adapt your carrying gear to what you would normally wear. If you normally wear tight-fitting clothing it would be better to transition to clothing that is better suited for CC and wear that as the new norm.

    I avoid the “too bad if they don’t like it” thinking in regards to inadvertent printing/display. I think Claude’s point is very well taken in regards to the “no guns allowed” signs that are becoming more popular and that carry legal weight. Considering that about two-thirds of the U.S. population do not own guns and are likely ignorant of anything related to firearms ownership (including CC), it is in our best interest to CC in the most responsible fashion possible – including not being cavalier about the effectiveness of your concealment.

    Good entry and I’m glad Claude posted it!

    1. Simply put, weapons are meant to be felt not seen. Just as you move the weapon around your body, not the body around the weapon, you move your CCW around your normal dress not the other way around. Determine what set up works, and likely it will be more than one, and train to it. I think we all, regardless of proficiency, wouldn’t mind the extra second we gain by not telegraphing. Good article.

  11. Good article Professor. I had to laugh because the only time I’ve seen someone notice my weapon was two female checkout clerks at the grocery store. I always wondered if they thought I had a gun or if I was shoplifting. So I made a mental note on what to properly do if it ever came up.

    I also started experimenting with different ideas to make the concealment even more concealed. I am currently in the last phase of experimenting with the yuppie look, i.e. always tucking the shirt in. I was surprised at just how consistent the removal of the cover garment could be (for me more consistent than a variety of different untucked shirts.

    Dressing around the gun is like all sayings, useless unless we explain it. To be fair sometimes how to wear the gun is harder than shooting it because people are so different is shape, size and dress.

    As always a thought provoking post. Thank you.

  12. Not long ago I was standing in front of a business in a mall in Memphis, TN waiting for my grandson to come out. I was dressed in a manner to blend in but I was wearing a 5.11 shirt. You know, the ones with the snaps and the limited number of fabric patterns. I was leaned against the wall watching people. I saw a security guard come walking by and when he looked at me I nodded at him. In a few minutes he came by in the opposite direction, walked over to me and said “I really like that 5.11 shirt.” I said “yeah, me too, it’s very comfortable.” He smiled and walked off. No problem but be aware that can happen.

  13. I like your reference to an “insulin pump,” Ron. I’ve had a similar experience, and told them it was an “adrenalin pump.” Same idea, even though there is no such thing… However, I figured if it was ever put to use, a dose of adrenalin is what I’d get.
    I, too, live in Florida, and work in government. I’d prefer to not discuss exactly how I conceal here, but do so effectively while dressing “business casual” on a day to day basis.
    Cheers! And thank you!

  14. I love the “tactical gas vents” photo!

  15. Stop worrying about it and just open carry (if legal). Business bans guns? Why are you giving them your money anyway? You are part of the problem if you’re doing that.

  16. I’m a woman and I carry. When I started out, I wore IWB and it was very uncomfortable for me and it ruled my wardrobe on what I could wear and what I couldn’t. One day i had enough and I decided to open carry. I was very self conscious, but not a soul noticed….so i decided to experiment. I did 30 days of open carry. I went about my normal tasks and made no big deal about any of it. You know what I learned…men don’t notice as much.

    Of the times someone looked at or spoke about my weapon, it was usually a woman. The only times it was mentioned or visibly acknowledged that a man saw it, was when the men were military and they openly talked to me about it. Only a few eye glances in the direction of my holster were had. Although the one time in a parking lot I had my kid on one hip and my gun on the other got a rather interesting hoot and hollar from a “red neck”. I laughed, made my day. In so many instances I went out, i’d say about 50% of the women I crossed paths with noticed my weapon. Almost all of those instances they then made direct eye contact and at least 75% of those women smiled at me, like “you go girl”.

    It’s also worth noting, at the time I lived in liberal hippie dippy Seattle area, where woman are more likely to throw a bag of granola or a yoga mat at you before using any form of actual defense. I never felt that I made anyone uncomfortable, most people I interacted with seemed as if I wasn’t wearing a weapon at all. Although, who knows, some people hide it well.

    In that 30 days, I felt i learned that It’s more likely that men just aren’t as aware of their surroundings or the minute intricacies of peoples form and body coverings, etc. women on the other hand are raised by society at a young age to observe and reflect on everything in their environment, because it could mean their safety. This is a stereotypical “sexist” thing to say, but I think It’s true. When it comes to observation, we are groomed into being outstanding assessors.

    This isn’t just about printing…. Not long after I discovered the Flashbang holster. It changed my routine, I can now dress in WHATEVER I FREAKING WANT 😀 which is awesome, and I carry everyday without having to render it useless in a purse ( such a stupid place to put it) but as a woman I still find myself learning a lot of things about the relationship we hold with a firearm and the psyche of a woman. For example: I bought a pink LC9. ( it was $100 cheaper than the black FYI) I LOVE things that are pink on them, yes, I do. I’ve personalized my 10/22 with a pink anodized barrel and hello kitty accessories, I don’t care, I like it that way. It’s fun. ( yes, being a parent I do take special precautions to ensure my child’s safety, as should any gun owner regardless if their gun “looks like a toy” or not)

    But when I got my every day carry, you know what I feared? If I unholster my LC9 and point it at the bad guy, will he just see pink and assume it’s an inferior weapon? That it’s a girls gun? That it’s probably a 22lr? That I am not serious? That maybe guns, unless they are black and manly are not as efficient in the eyes of a predator? Yes… I had these thoughts. Seems ridiculous doesn’t it? I have plenty of firearms that are “serious”. That are intimidating and “butch” but I enjoy shooting as a hobby, and hobbies are supposed to be fun, I like having fun and making personalized modifications to everything I own, why is this different? Why do we mock and belittle guns that are not black or stock EOM? So yeah…. Woman and firearms…an interesting thing to think/talk about.

    LOL, sorry for the long comment, I almost NEVER EVER Comment on blogs, but felt I wanted to confirm your thoughts and share my XP.

    1. I think a pink frame with a stainless or chrome upper would be great. Years ago, I noticed that most Chicago police officers had switched to the S&W Model 66 (then and now, they buy their own guns) when it first became widely available; I’m really dating myself there. I asked one cop why the switch and he said so that nitwits would know he was pointing a gun at them because with blue steel at night, the fools often didn’t. That’s a major reason why I’m not much for tactical black guns. The latest one I ordered is a green polymer frame and brushed stainless upper.

      Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate a woman’s perspective.

  17. Thanks for the article! It’s a shame that not many trainers consider the unique problems of carrying in certain non-permissive environments. Decades ago, I worked in advertising in the creative part of that business. Boy, talk about a non-permissive environment! Because of the industry in which we worked, my colleagues and I were very attuned to fashion and style. Both men and women could tell at 20 paces what designer made your eyeglass frames or shoes. To think that we would never notice a Glock-sized bulge under your tailored Italian sport coat would be utterly delusional. And we would also easily pick out even the “tuckable” holster clips available today. This type of judgmental scrutiny regarding dress seems to be part of the business culture in that environment.

    Back then, as now to some extent, the trend was to locate the studio or agency in a formerly “sketchy” part of town that had been gentrified. The problem was, the neighborhoods just a block or two away remained decidedly “ungentrified.” I carried a Baby Browning .25 ACP in a wallet holster as I felt that was all I could get away with.

    Occasionally, I had to do after-dark (printing) press checks at a commercial printer in an industrial part of town. In the summer months, they had the habit of leaving the overhead doors open in the shop. Anyone off the street could just walk in (and often did). For those calls, I carried a COP 4-shot in .357, or later a 3″ S&W 940, in a folio (to this day, the 940 has the best J-frame trigger I have ever encountered and is several magnitudes better than the COP staple-gun trigger). Keep in mind, this was long before a J-frame could be had in .357. At the time, the 940 was the best possible compromise between size, reliability, usability, and firepower. As much as I despise off-body carry, I truly felt this was my only option. Now we have much better gun and holster choices, but for some people, concealing even a subcompact double-stack pistol is just wishful thinking.

  18. I’ve run into the same problems recently. My job changed last year to where I’m wearing “business casual ” 1-2 days a week instead of my chef uniform. The lcr I used to pocket printed badly, so I bought a shield 9 and wear it tucked. I asked a lady friend and she thought it was a back brace! Although I still don’t like the external clips, I really feel like I’m out of options. Here’s the real problem:

    I’ve taken a couple of classes and would like to take (many) more, but the ones I’ve taken were owb only and the others I’ve seen seem to work from an untucked shirt. There are a few “celebrity” instructors I’ve emailed about maybe doing a “business casual edc” blog post or YouTube video, but they’ve all said no. I can’t imagine how it would slow a class down to tuck a shirt back in on every rep. I haven’t found one solid resource on the issue, let alone tactics. They’re all in vertx pants, t-shirts and nylon belts. “That isn’t me”…

    1. Keep looking for a class…a good, qualified instructor will be able and willing to help you learn how to draw and present safely from concealment, with a tucked shirt.

  19. I really enjoy taking a look at others to see how they dress when they are wearing their weapons. It challenges me to notice small changes in the way that people move and how they interact while carrying. A lot of folks that I know that concealed carry are pretty obvious about it, at least from my view. They wear huge shirts, and while they may not print through them, it’s still hard to imagine that they’d ever put on a shirt that large without having something to hide. Also, while I may not have the budget to be able to tailor all of my suits to my weapon (as someones has done above), I do make sure that my casual attire is appropriate. I enjoy having a smaller weapon (Kahr PM9) so that I can carry and wear my normal tee shirts and an IWB holster, and I don’t print much, if at all. I’ve also taken to clipping my cell phone on my pocket on the opposite side. That evens out the appearance of my body, and it also distracts the eyes of passersby so that the phone “grabs” someone’s eye more easily than the small inconsistency in my waist. Distraction is a great technique, and if there’s a subtle way to employ distraction, I highly recommend doing so. This can be done for almost all force tools, in a multitude of ways.

  20. People are way to caught up in appeasement. Who cares if you are printing or are made on occasion? The point is, you have gun and ready to use it. I don’t get excited when I see a carpenter with a hammer in his tool belt either. If you think the average person doesn’t notice (and they certainly don’t), the average perp is even less observant as a whole. Perps want soft targets, not ones they have to risk their lives with regardless of the endless speculation of carry instructors who think “the element of surprise” is the only way you can be effectively carry. Open carry works too.

    1. It’s not the perps I am concerned about. It’s the people who sign my paycheck/consulting fee checks.

  21. Well to start out with i was in Texas also in 96 had to wait to 97 to get permit. Like Fl where i am now or ok and somewhat nv where lived before there is more premissive atmosphere. I owned company with 120 employess when they found out i was a gun guy everyone seemed to have a gun. We were largly retail so that caused some questions and phone calls. Yes they were made and often. Wheather an ankle rig sitting down to coat riding up. I own house and lived 10 years in vegas. Let me tell story of guy in vegas on wrong end of cops. He goes to costco in good neighborhood to buy something. He was,a ccw holder and may have been stoned. He bent over gun showed he did not notice and it staid out. Cosco good place to pick disaster supplies but jumpy about guns. They called the cops. Then things got ugly cops said he went for gun and pulled. His girl said he was handing to cops and following directions. We will never know for shure as he is dead and cosco advanced camera system failed. I carry a keltec p11 as i can fit in front pocket. Glock would not fit. It is a hard on the gun. I am trying a pda holster from local pda holsters. Little concerned that i will be figured out. Or lifted out of holster. Closest came was by a very curious check out person at publix. Told him speclized meater for work holster and did not take empty off when left. I have tried inside the shirt sholder holsters they cramp and make hard to breath and butt tends to print even tho i am large guy. I woukd love to cary my usp compact but print very easily. I was made once wheb carring under heavy coat owb sat down it clanked on booth and when i bent over to grab tray it showed a little you should have seen eyes of woman that had been observing since clank. It is hot hear so deep is only way to carrg. Have three months of coat. I dont know.

    1. When NYPD had dedicated ‘Gun Squads,’ a clunk when someone sat down was a sure giveaway. Gun carriers get ‘made’ a lot more than they realize. Most of the time, the consequences are small, but not all the time.

  22. […] of the world doesn’t know you’re carrying because you’ve never noticed people looking at you? As Claude Werner has pointed out, that’s just not true; you stick out, attract attention, more than you think you do. As Melody […]

  23. Ugly gun, but carries well with shorts and a t-shirt, try out the Glock-19 (or 23). Good compromise, if you want the feel of a full size gun in a slightly trimmed down package.

  24. As a beginner practicioner I find any advice helpful and great resources and blogs are hard to find.

  25. […] the original article in its entirety here for your education and edification. It’s good […]

  26. […] Claude Werner, Tactical Professor, Concealed Carry and Printing. […]